Árinn från Frihamra
Gelding born 2016
s. Illingur frá Tóftum
d. Ìsafold frá Astra
A brash, palomino with a big head of hair who arrived alongside Fálki and Mózart in 2021. He’s a fourgaiter with nice movements and belongs to Kerstin. Unfortunately, with his bright coatcolour in mind, he’s not one to ever say no to a nice mudbath.

Aron frá Áskoti
Gelding born 2017
s. Eldur frá Bjarghúsum
d. Ásadís frá Áskoti
Chestnut tobiano with lots of white that moved in together with Hending and Jökull in May, 2024. Similar markings to Klassik, but has less hair. A very handsome guy.

Áróra frá Unnarholti
Mare born 2007
s. Gári frá Auðsholtshjáleigu
d. Glefsa frá Brú
A gorgeous chestnut with lots of mane and forelock and a very intense “red” colour. Moved in in October, 2016. She’s a sensitive girl with nice movements who loves cuddling, but has a tendency to tense up a bit. Owned by Kerstin.

Birtingur frá Birnustöðum
Gelding born 2008
s. Forseti frá Vorsabæ II
d. Ljósbrá frá Kjarnholtum I
Buckskin tobiano who came to us in 2014. A big and strong trailhorse that still need some more schooling for arena-work. He’s got medium drive but is actually very smart and really appreciates getting to use his head.

Eyrir frá Þúfum
Gelding born 2007
s. Baugur frá Víðinesi 2
d. Eydís frá Þúfum
A big, slender chestnut tobiano with one blue eye and five big gaits. Very attentive with a huge will to please. He’s a lessonhorse, aswell as a tourhorse and we do also ride him ourselves quite often. Has also competed a fair bit.

Fáfnir från Aho's
Gelding born 2013
s. Auður frá Austurkoti
d. Tindra från Björkbacken
A handsome, dark grullo that joined the team during the summer of 2024. For now he’s getting to know us and the other horses, and we him.

Fálki frá Hrísnesi
Gelding born 2010
s. Borði frá Fellskoti
d. Járnfrú frá Eyjarhólum
Chestnut gelding with a snip and a star who came to us in the end of April, 2021. A sensitive and beautiful horse with good posture and nice “go”. Easygoing and nice to handle and ride.

Fengur från Stora Syltvik
Gelding born 2006
s. Frami från Häringe
d. Miska från Stora Syltvik
A longhaired black fourgaiter with a snip and star. Has a big, round canter and trot. Nice and laidback, has been shown a few times. He does most things without a fuss and is our most trusty packhorse during the trailrides of the summer. A very foodoriented gentleman.

Folda frá Natthaga
Mare born 2012
s. Kvistur frá Skagaströnd
d. Ùlfhildur frá Kjartansstöðum
A black mare that moved in during the late spring of 2021. She’s quite green still but has all the basics down and is happy to work. A horse suited for the more experienced rider. She thinks a lot, and can find it a bit boring to stand around doing nothing for too long.

Gneisti frá Lynghóli
Gelding born 2008
s. Krákur frá Blesatöðum 1A
d. Leista frá Lynghóli
Black four-gaited horse with blue eyes and a big personality. And lots of opinions. Before he came to us in 2014 he covered a few mares in Iceland. He’s competed a lot and has a really nice set of gaits. A small but fast one!

Gæfa frá Ysta-Gerði
Mare born 2015
s. Gangster frá Árgerði
d. Kráka frá Blesastöðum 1A
A younger flaxen chestnut that moved here at the same time as Folda. Very petite in the build and definitely on the smaller side sizewise. A curious and resolute little lady with a nick for chewing on fencepoles. Also known as “the Beaver”…

Hekla frá Kvistum
Mare born 2017
s. Ómur frá Kvistum
d. Höll frá Norður-Hvammi
A younger red dun that moved in in May, 2023. Right now she’s the baby in her little flock and listens very carefully to anything the older ladies tell her. She has very nice gaits and is Kerstins showhorse.

Hending frá Ferjukoti
Mare born 2018
s. Gaumur frá Auðsholtshjáleigu
d. Þruma frá Skáney
A younger, black mare with two white spots on her left nostril. Very green still, but shows promising movements. She moved in with Aron and Jökull in May, 2024.

Hlín frá Minni-Borg
Mare born 2012
s.Garri frá Heysholti
d. Hera frá Minni-Borg
Bay dun with a star, she came to us in 2017. Has nice, soft gaits but at times her legs still tangle a little bit. A curious girl who finds many things very interesting and sometimes struggles to focus for longer periods of time.

Hrafna frá Austurkoti
Mare born 2013
s. Gaumur frá Auðsholtshjáleigu
d. Hylling frá Minni-Borg
A big, black fourgaiter with nice, powerful movements. She tries her best to get the other girls to play with her but they’re a little more laidback unfortunately. She’s Matti’s showhorse and came here in 2019.

Jökull frá Selfossi
Gelding born 2014
s. Huginn frá Hága I
d. Litla-Hekla frá Skarði
Cute grey grullo that moved in with Aron and Hending in May, 2024. He’s still grey rather than white and has a distinct dorsal stripe, which makes it easy to differentiate him from Kapteinn and Kafteinn.

Kafteinn frá Borgarnesi
Gelding born 2009
s. Klerkur frá Bjarnanesi
d. Von frá Rauðbarðaholti
Quickwitted, fun grey gelding that moved here in 2014. He’s been to a few competitions and has nice gaits. A horse with a lot of humour, that enjoys expressing himself. He’s also a fantastic swimmer!

Kapteinn frá Miðhjáleigu
Gelding born 2005
s. Nn frá Hurðarbaki
d. Orða frá Skáney
Came to us in 2014. An energetic, eager to please horse with a beautiful wavy mane. He’s been to several competitions and is very well liked as both a lesson- and trailhorse. Our very own unicorn.

Klassík från Samsen
Gelding born 2015
s. Álfur frá Selfossi
d. Alda från Wahlberg
A cute chestnut tobiano with a quite special look that moved in in November, 2023. He’s fourgaited with an extra plus for the tolt and will eventually be Matti’s showhorse. He’s definitely not a fan of staying clean, those white parts are more often than not brown.

Kristall från Kebnekaisefjällen
Gelding born 2009
s. Flipi från Österåker
d. Kátína frá Vestri-Leirárgörðum
Born here at the farm, this is the son of Matti’s previous horse, Kátína. He has four good gaits but is a sensitive fellow that easily gets stressed out if he’s put under too much pressure. He’s been clickertrained a lot and really enjoys that kind of communication.

Mózart från Hålåsen
Gelding born 2010
s. Reimar från Hålåsen
d. Melódía från Hålåsen
Bay gelding who came to us at the end of April, 2021. A well educated horse with a broad, good build. He takes most things as they come but isn’t too fond of being alone. A phenomenal jumper!

Náttfari frá Melum
Gelding born 2010
s. Hlekkur frá Þóroddsstöðum
d. Djásn frá Melum
A beautiful bay gelding that moved here during the spring of 2016. Easily recognized by his long mane and broken blaze. A very gentle soul that actually is quite sensitive and appreciates clear signals from his rider. He’s been to a few competitions and has five soft, good gaits.

Sóley från Kebnekaisefjällen
Mare born 2009
s. Ísar frá Keldudal
d. Kosning frá Birkihlíð
A light chestnut dun with a star. She was born here and is the daugther of Kosning, Kerstin’s old horse. Nice to work with and has good gaits, but needs clear signals. She’s a little bit of a princess and much appreciates it if you praise her very loudly and excitedly. Has been to a few competitions.

Sónar frá Austurkoti
Gelding born 2007
s. Kjarni frá Þjóðólfshaga 1
d. Dýna frá Minni-Borg
An impressively intelligent and calculating chestnut with a long blaze. Came here in 2017. More often than not he’s the one initiating the games in the pasture and he carries himself in a proud, handsome manner. Well built with quite big movements. Fivegaited.

Stígandi frá Minni-Borg
Gelding born 2010
s. Þristur frá Minni-Borg
d. Sóley frá Stærri-Bæ
A tall chestnut who came to us from Iceland in 2017. He has a neverending will to please and do right for himself and is a pure joy to work with. Has four big, soft gaits and works as a lesson- and daytourhorse.

Stjarni från Broaskog
Gelding born 2015
s. Hugur från Brösarpsgården
d. Ljosaðis från Broaskog
A bay dun tobiano that moved here at the end of spring, 2023. He’s done a marvelous job during his first summer as a trailhorse and we much look forward to continuing his education. Really loves water.

Stormur frá Skarði
Gelding born 2012
s. Arður frá Brautarholti
d. Hringja frá Skarði
Slender bay gelding who came to us in 2019. A little more on the sensitive side but has a good drive. The tolt is his best gait but the other three are in no way something to be complained about. He’s done a few rounds on the competitiontracks.

Tígull frá Minni-Borg
Gelding born 2009
s. Fjarki frá Feti
d. Lísa frá Þorlákshöfn
A beautiful piebald of the bigger model, that moved here from Iceland in 2017. He’s fivegaited with nice movements and great spirit. Does well with most things and can be ridden by most people. In the summertime he mostly works our long trailrides.

Þórgnýr frá Ytri-Skógum
Gelding born 2009
s. Þóroddur frá Þóroddsstöðum
d. Gná frá Ytri-Skógum
A sensitive guy that moved here in 2019. He’s soley worked from the ground at the moment, but has splendid movements and is a pleasure to work with. He’s no big fan of changes, and prefers things to stay the way they’ve always been.

Wagner från Wahlberg
Gelding born 2014
e. Beethoven från Sundsberg
u. Grýla vom Ziegelhof
Wagner moved here in spring 2024. He’s black save a few white hairs on his forehead and spots down by his coronet. He’s currently in schooling but will eventually start working the tours.

born 2015
A wild lady with a strong will of her own and a very sharp mind. Mix of Bordercollie and Finnish Samidog. She tags along on some trailrides but the snowmobiletours are her absolute favourites. She’s a skilled rider!

born 2023
A Finnish Samidog that moved to Jenny during the autumn of 2023. She’s started joining some rides, but can usually be found somewhere around the stables or in Smilla’s company.

Born 2021
In June 2023, two Norwegian forestcats joined our stableteam again. Mysan, the calico, was quick to have a good look around when she and Simba arrived together. This is quite an extroverted little lady and she will talk to you about any- and everything. Loudly.

Born 2020
Simba is the orange tabby, and the more laidback one in our little catduo. When the stable gets too lively he likes to retreat to one of his hideouts, and watch in secret. He does however love a good cuddlesession and is coming out of his shell slowly but surely.

Born 2021
Girjjat, which means spotted in sami, is a Samigoat. Our very best stablemascot. She enjoys the company of the horses and likes to take it easy, smell the flowers. Her coat is much darker than Emma’s.

Born ~2019
Emma moved to us in November, 2023. She’s a few years older than Girjjat, also a Samigoat, and they’re slowly getting to know each other. Emma is a bit shy but she’s easy to differentiate from her roomie by her lighter coatcolour.

Both Kerstin and Matti own reindeer. In summer they stay up in the high mountains, grazing. As winter starts closing in they wander down to the woodlands. The reindeer is a very important animal to us and it’s a big part of the Sami culture.

We normally have about as many wild moose as we have horses here during the wintermonths. They come to us to steal hay from the horses, and walk about however they like.