Eco tourism is…
Joyful and different nature experiences
Unforgettable meetings with local people
Adventure and adrenaline, or calmness and passion, in the middle of nature
A humble approach to other cultures and ways of thinking
To travel with respect, joy for discovering and lots of curiosity

Nature's best
The quality label Nature’s Best shows the way to Sweden’s finest nature trips from the country’s premier organizers of Swedish ecotourism.
Since January 2004, we are an approved ecotourism organizer according to the quality label Nature’s Best (see the products we have chosen to label during the programs).
The motivation from Nature’s best labeling committee for approval of us as an ecotourism organizer:
“A knowledgeable and experienced horse tourism organizer who is a model for Norrbotten’s other nature tourism companies. The quality labeled mountain trail south of Nikkaluokta is a well-developed arrangement, filled with full knowledge and great attention to the area’s fauna and flora. An arrangement beyond the usual, in particular, the Sami culture is conveyed in an inspiring way with authenticity and great knowledge. “

Sustainable arctic destination
The certification “Sustainable Arctic destination” is a quality label developed by Kiruna Lapland, with the long term goal to be able to certify Kiruna as a sustainable destination. In March 2018 we were, together with three other companies, the first ones to receive the certification.
The global definition of sustainable tourism is according to the organisation Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC):
- sustainable management
- socio-economic effects
- cultural consequences
- environmental impact (including resource consumption, reduced contamination and conservation of biodiversity and landscape)

The Swedish Icelandic horse Association
The Swedish Icelandic horse Association is an association of 65 local Icelandic horse associations around Sweden, from Tomelilla in the south to Kiruna in the north. Since summer 2003 we have been authorized by SIF, our facility, riding school and tours.